GROUP 29 - Music Video 2008/9: fake id

Monday 15 September 2008

fake id

We have decided that we may use the fake id title as our main idea so that we can structure our plan.

The focus of this idea will be aspects of being fake and acting as someone they are not by hiding behind a fake id, this then means that our focus is shared between all situations where fake id can be used rather then pinpointing the focus entirely on age.

We are hoping to get many different id's for each person and then create a storyboard. Following the storyboard will reveal different scenarios in which a fake id maybe used. We plan on introducing these situations by zooming in onto a picture in the storyboard, and then when the situation has been played out, we will zoom back out again. This will not only make our video entertaining but will also provide an interesting way to move the video along from each clip to the next.


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