GROUP 29 - Music Video 2008/9: Blog Feedback And Targets

Wednesday 1 October 2008

Blog Feedback And Targets

overall as a group we are happy with the feedback we received from the class. Most of the comments were positive, however there was some constructive criticism towards our piece which allowed us to create targets in order to improve our blog. Here are some of our targets and comments;

-Ideas shown clearly
-Good band research with written information and videos
-Location shots included
-Animation and test shots gives a general idea of what we want to achieve
-Special effects in our test shots are good
-The pitch for our music video could have been more detailed
-The Kooks video is no longer available so needs to be replaced
-No song lyrics
-No analysis on the test footage

"Are our ideas clear for our final piece from the information in our blog?"

-Yes, ideas are shown clearly due to the detail in the shot list.
-Good but a bit more analysis needed.
-More information needed about what's going to happen
-Paragraph needed to explain how the test footage will relate to the final piece.


-Show more detail and express our ideas more clearly on our pitch
-Relate our test footage to our shot list
-Replace the Kooks video with another one, so we still have sufficient 'real' music videos


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