GROUP 29 - Music Video 2008/9: Ideas

Thursday 18 September 2008


As the song is called Fake Id, we plan on playing on this theme throughout our video. using different scenarios, situations will arise where id will be needed and the character will have to produce it. However, as it's fake id, we want to create it so that it's easily recognisable to the audience to be fake so we will use pictures that contrast with the characters actual appearance. So the difference is clear, we will use close up shots of the person and then also a close up of the id to highlight the large contrast. We will also hopefully use close up's of people who require the id e.g. a shop keeper, and by using close up, the shopkeepers facial expressions will help to show that the id is being questioned.
We hope by creating and sticking to this theme, it will provide entertainment and also a comic aspect for the viewer.
As it is a music video, we plan on shooting standard band shots so it complys with ordinary music video conventions. this is also provide continuity throughout the music video and by doing so will engage the viewer further.
we want to use effects such as black and white to make our video more interesting. However, to keep in with the fun theme, we will possibly add bright and vibrant colours to highlight certain things within a shot.


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